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Situation: A tiny house company wants to redesign their website to meet industry standards.  



  1. Audit the website against usability heuristics.

  2. Redesign the navigation menu to reduce user flow friction.

  3. Write the copy for the status message and trigger email after customers request a quote.

  4. Suggest solutions to improve the SEO.




  1. Identified business objectives and customer persona before conducting the NNG's usability heuristics.
  2. Used the heuristic data and further usability testing, card sorting, and tree testing to design a new navigation menu.

  3. Used cloze reading, A/B testing, and more usability testing to design the copy for the status message and trigger email.

  4. Used all the UX and heuristics to track the website's rank and suggest specific keywords with higher visibility. 



  • The new navigation menu offers a healthy hierarchy of information that is accessible to customers.

  • The copy adheres to the brand voice and incorporates a direct, small-business relationship that the CEO and customers value.

  • The new IA and SEO suggestion led to a 20% increase in applications in less than 2 months.



Before menu.jpg


Menu after.png


Before menu - Copy.jpg
Menu after - Copy.png



Before - confirmation microcopy.png


Microcopy - copy #1.png


Before - Brochure & pricing long copy.png


Long copy - copy#1 very informal.png
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